Hostverge FAQ's


Last Update 19 hari yang lalu

Q: The default value for PHP memory is 128M, and if you need to increase the memory, would it be possible? Because on Wordpress, Elementor Pro needs at least 256MB to run, what would it look like in this case?

A: The standard PHP memory limit is set at 128 MB. Typically, doubling the value to 256M or 512M is sufficient. Although the maximum limit is 2048 million, it's highly unusual for a site to require this amount. In most scenarios, 512 MB is ample for the site's needs.

For more detailed information, visit here: https://docs.20i.com/web-hosting-website-problems/php-memory-limit-exhausted


Q:  How do I install a domain on WordPress? There is a place for a one-click WordPress installer, but the option to install a second WordPress is not showing.

A: The process would be similar; the only difference would be that on the one-click page, after you select WordPress, it would ask you for the installation location.

You would need to select the folder that you want the second domain to point to, and WordPress would be installed there.

Essentially, you need to choose the folder where the domain is going to point to.

Go to the Manage Domains option to make changes.


Q: Are all sites backed up? Can't I backup the domain separately? I've hosted multiple domains under one account. Wouldn't there have to be an option to perform this backup and restore per domain?

A: Unfortunately, we don't have a timeline backup service, which means that you need to perform your backups manually. We have a backup and restore tool that can be found in all of your packages. You can use this to take backups of your sites and databases. Should you have multiple sites on a package, we do not have a tool to back these up individually, as the backup tools we use will backup the entire web space of the package.


Q: How do you increase your website speed?

A: This can be done by using the web optimisations in the packages. Also, having more than one caching plugin in the package can slow down the speed of the site, so it is best to check this.


Q: How do I take my temporary test site / StackStaging site live?

A: Check here: https://docs.20i.com/web-hosting/temporary-test-site 



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